
If you need to contact me about homework details, email me at

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Friday 29 August 2014

Grade 7 ELA Homework - Friday, 29/8/14

Hello Homeroom!

Here is the homework for the weekend.
The first image is just a review of the ideas we discussed today.
It is followed by the story I introduced, and of course... the HOMEWORK QUESTIONS!

So basically, read the story and answer questions 1-6 in 'Respond and Think Critically,' and then respond to the four vocabulary questions in the green box. Of course, you must answer in full sentences.

I want you to pay particular attention to both the Literary Element and Reading Skill questions.

Have a great weekend!


Grade 6 ELA Homework - Friday, 29/8/14

Hello Grade 6!

Here is your homework for this weekend. As long as you've read the chapters, it's not a very hard assignment!
You need to summarize the events of chapters 1 - 4 in our novel, Crispin: The Cross of Lead. A short summary of the events is all you need to do. YOU DON'T NEED TO SUMMARIZE EVERY EVENT, JUST THE BASIC STORYLINE.

For example, here is a short summary of today's class...

Grade 6 walked into their ELA class. Mr. Johnson said, "Good morning Grade 6!" After the vocabulary homework was collected, the class reviewed some grammar. Then, Mr. Johnson explained the homework. The class ended at 10.16.

Here are the instructions and the sample from the whiteboard.
Have a great weekend, and I'll see you on Monday!

P.S. - If anyone wants to try and write a short poem that I'll try and have put into the newsletter, please go ahead! Here is an example...

I wonder will anyone make me smile, 
By working hard and writing verse at home?
There is something that is loved by Niall...
Oh yes, it's a fun and playful poem!

Thursday 28 August 2014

Grade 10 American Literature Homework - 28/8/14

Read pages 382 and 385.
Do the following questions on page 386 and submit them to me on Monday, the 1st of September.
They should be typed, Times New Roman Size 12, Double Spaced.
- Respond and Interpret: 1,2,3,4 & 5
- Determine Main Idea...: 1 & 2
- Writing: Write a summary of his letter (approx. 100 words)