
If you need to contact me about homework details, email me at

If you are looking for the ASAMUN page, click here.

Also, if you spot any typos, please correct them in the comment boxes.

Thursday 8 June 2017

Hi, it's me

Click here for the folder.

  1. Write a well-written letter to yourself, from yourself.
  2. Have a paragraph focus on the good things from this grade.
  3. Have a paragraph focus on the bad things from this grade.
  4. Have a paragraph focus on your expectations for your next grade.

Advice from 35,000ft

Click here to find out more.

Wednesday 7 June 2017

G6 - News

  1. Go here and make a file called ''
  2. Choose either BBC, RTE, CNN, Al Jazeera, China Daily, NewsroundThe Guardian or The Times of India
  3. Find two stories that interest you
  4. Write three separate paragraphs that address each of the following:
    1. Write a short summary of the article.
    2. Do you think the journalist has a view on this topic, or are they being objective? Why do you think this?
    3. How do you feel about this topic?

Friday 2 June 2017

G6 & G7 Letter Instructions

  1. Use the letter format found on the blog.
  2. Write a well-written letter to yourself, from yourself.
  3. Have a paragraph focus on the good things from this grade.
  4. Have a paragraph focus on the bad things from this grade.
  5. Have a paragraph focus on your expectations for your next grade.

Friday 26 May 2017

G10 - Postmodern stories

Click here.  

Or,  here.

Or even, here.

                             What about here?

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Spinner Danger

Click here, and be careful!

G7 - My Odyssette

Click here to access the shared folder. It also has some resources that will be of aid in the upcoming debate.

The motion for the debate is Odysseus is a positive role model. There will be three groups:

  1. For the motion
    • Obvious
  2. Against the motion
    • Obvious
  3. Audience
    • Not only are you responsible for voting, each member of the audience must prepare two questions to ask the 'For's and 'Against's.

G7 - Super Words for Friday, May 19th

G6 - Super Words for Friday, May 19th

Monday 1 May 2017

How the Metre Changed the World

Click here to find out.
By the way, the introduction is a wonderful example of the art.

Friday 28 April 2017

Don't forget!

Next week, we'll be continuing the art presentations. So, make sure you're ready.

Bull and Girl

For more on what we spoke about in G7, click here

Monday 24 April 2017

G9 - Genre

Group 1 - Science Fiction
Group 이- Fantasy
Group สาม - Fable
Group ٤ - Mystery

In this folder, make a GSlide. It has to do the following:
  • Define your assigned genre
  • Discuss its origins
  • Give at least 3 famous examples, with any good quotes
  • Tell us, briefly, about 5 of the most famous authors in this genre. 
  • Text on a slide must come in sequentially, not all at once.
  • Use at least 3 animations
  • Use at least 3, good-resolution images
  • Be consistent in font choice and other formatting
  • Have a class interactive activity
Remember, slides are NOT to be read. They are simply there to act as a guide to your presentation.

Click here to watch a tutorial on how to use animations in Google Slides. This video is a must if you're not a GSlides maestro.

G10 - An Era of Protest

Click here. Don't forget, MLA is essential.

Monday 10 April 2017

What impact will South Africa's junk status have?

Click here to learn about the recent economic news from South Africa.

Monday 27 March 2017

Thursday 23 March 2017

Entropy explained in 19 seconds

For a musical follow-up to a student's question yesterday, click here.

Wednesday 22 March 2017