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Friday 30 January 2015

G10 Act III.i HW

I'm sure you were all as blown away by Henry's exhortation to arms as I was.

So, methinks twud be a most profitable use of thine candlelight to echo those cries to Mars.

Get thee from here and most proudly scribe a cry of your own (of no less than a score of lines), that our most warlike Harry would have taken to his heart.

It need not be in Elizabethan English. 

7 pts - blows my socks off
5 pts - captures the essence of III.i
3 pts -  it's done, but let's just say that I'm not convinced you put that uch thought into it.
0 pts - abysmal, simply abysmal


  1. Oh... Homework... What do you mean by score? (in the line details)

  2. 'score ' is an old way of saying twenty.
